Sunday, July 5, 2009

27 weeks and counting

I am feeling huge!

I'm not that big for 6 months, I guess...but it sure does feel that way!

Now's about the time I'm starting to miss my flat stomach. Oh well. I'll get it back (somewhat, right ladies?)

No vegan recipes for now. I've been eating lots of stuff that I've already put up here. (and I've had my fair share of meat lately...should I just cancel this blog?)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Today we bought a Wii.

Probably one of the coolest things about a Wii is getting to make your own avatar...notice the similarities between the man below and the man above?

Yeah, I know! The bulging biceps really give it away, huh?

Look! The Dude is in the background! :)

Anyway, on to our VeganMommy dinner today: "B"LTA's. These are composed of Smokey Tempeh Strips, lettuce, tomato, and avacado on whole wheat bread. I am amazed at how simple, fast, AND yummy this was! Tempeh is a great meat substitute. We've used it before to make those sausage patties. The recipe was taken from Below is the tempeh:

This was our lone tomato that we saved specially for today! was good.

The finished product: lettuce, tempeh, tomato, and avacado.

With a little veganaise:


Nothing is quite so delicious like brownies and ice cream! This is a tried and true recipe from The Complete Vegan Kitchen cookbook that Wil bought a few years back in college. The secret ingredient? Espresso instead of eggs.

We also put our ice cream maker to the test! We'll be making a few modifications next time, but overall this was a pleasant dessert!!

Now I'm off to bed.

Monday, June 15, 2009


I did not eat vegan AT ALL today. TWO (count 'em: 2) hamburgers today...

Oh well, I don't really feel bad about it. They were delicious.

This week is VBS week at the Friends Church and I'm helping out every day by taking pictures and documenting the fun for a daily slide show. I'm not quite sure how I got roped into this because, believe it or not, I am camera savy, but NOT tech savy...AT ALL. So today was a complete disaster in uploading pictures and making this slideshow. Tomorrow, I have high hopes that things will go much smoother. :)

Anywho, after VBS, I was terribly worn out from running all over the church and trying to get kids to make goofy I scarfed down a Sonic burger (mmm) and headed home....then later we went to lunch/dinner and I had a cheeseburger (and a milkshake!) from 59 Diner. Whoops!

BUT! Here's the plan, folks. Wil and I went to Whole Foods Market today (which is a whole other blog anyway...Whole Foods Market shoppers make me cringe.) to get some goods for the upcoming week. I'm so stoked about our menu choices this week. You wanna hear 'em? Get excited and get ready for some snerious awesome vegan meals. Some of these are recycled from the past, some are taken from various websites (you can see links on the side menu of my blog):

-"B"LTA ("bacon" (tempeh), lettuce, tomato, and avacado) sandwiches with some fruit on the side

-Black bean burgers

-Tomato soup and grilled cheez

-Lentil tacos

-broccoli cheez soup

But I saved the best for last:

LOOK at this baby! Okay, we already have the red mixer, but look what is attached! (Can you see it?)

It is none other than an ICE CREAM MIXER ATTACHMENT!

That's right, vegan ice cream to help cool me off for the summer. I am SO STOKED.

Hope your week is going fabulously.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Vegan Waffles...a little nutmeggy...but oh-so-delicious!

I have to say that breakfast is my absolute favorite meal of the day.  Given the opportunity, I would prefer to go get breakfast with you rather than lunch...there's something so special about sharing the beginnings of one's day with a friend (or husband!).   Making fancy breakfast is something Wil and I like to do.  Yesterday I was having a mad craving for waffles, so Wil searched online and found a website called  This place was great!  Although it has some VERY interesting waffle combinations (anyone down for some Vegan Carrot Ginger Sage Oat Waffles?), we decided to play it safe this first time and tried the Banana & Oatmeal-based recipe.


Great texture, and you would never believe that there were actually oats involved!  The best part about this recipe: no sugar! The banana sweetens the deal.  Wil and I added some chopped pecans (because you can't eat pancakes or waffles without pecans, honestly), and topped it off with some vegan margarine and syrup!  So great...I can't wait to try these again.  I'm posting this recipe because it takes seriously less than 5 minutes to prepare.  The long part comes when you have to do the waffle ironing.  If we keep this up I might invest in an industrial waffle iron (you know, the ones in college cafeterias where you flip the iron and wait like 3 minutes?).  We had to wait 15-20 minutes per waffle pair, so we kept them warmed in the oven while we made more.  And one more thing: I am a nutmeg FIEND, but Wil prefers spices that are a little less powerful.  If you like nutmeg, keep the recipe as is.  I think next time we may take out nutmeg and replace with more cinnamon or perhaps All Spice? Okay, here is the recipe:

I find that these, like other banana-based waffles, need a slightly longer cook time so they’re not “mushy” in the center–but they’re still very tasty. Using a  potato masher to mash the bananas very well seems to help, and the oats help to provide additional structure and binding.

  • 1 ripe banana, mashed
  • 2 cups water
  • 1/2 cup uncooked rolled oats
  • 1 1/2 cups whole-wheat flour
  • 2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. nutmeg (best if freshly grated!)
  • vanilla extract to taste (optional)

Mix together the mashed banana and water. Add dry ingredients and mix, leaving lumps in the batter. Cook on a waffle iron, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

The batter also works well for pancakes, and is especially tasty when you add small berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc.) to the mix. To make pancakes, pour 1/2 cup of batter into a hot, lightly oiled frying pan. When bubbles rise through the middle of the pancake and break on the top, flip the pancake and cook until browned underneath. (Note: Test the pan before cooking the pancakes by throwing a few drops of water onto it. If the water jumps around and then disappears, the pan is at the correct temperature.)

Top with margarine, syrup, fruits, or preserves.

22 Weeks

This was last week.  As of today I'm 23 weeks! :)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Weird baby dreams?

So I had a dream last night that I was walking around with this baby boy in my arms. At first everything was going fine, but then the baby just kept wiggling so bad that he would try and wiggle out of my arms. I was having a hard time keeping his head from falling back...and after a while his neck got all stretchy from his head bouncing around. I know, so weird. He also talked to me, though I dont' remember what he said.

At the same time there was a little tiny baby, like the size of a fetus, except fully developed, floating around and talking to me too. Trying to get the two of them to behave in my arms was quite a task.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

vegan breakfast and a not-so-vegan mother's day

So these pictures will not be in sequential order, but here are the events of the past weekend...deeeeelightful!

Okay, so this is DEFINITELY not a vegan option (with 7 eggs and CREAM in the frosting?! no way jose).  This cake is called Truffeltorte and it is a chocolate GENIUS.  It has 11 tbsp of butter and 2 cups of cream...30 oz of semi-sweet chocolate...that's a little less than two pounds.

TOTALLY worth it.

This is Marcy Ramsey, my cute little mother in law, enjoying some tea at Papa's.  We went there to celebrate her cumpleaƱos.

My husband baked her this cake for her birthday.  MMMMMM!

First taste...APPROVED!

Okay, back to VEGAN options here....this was our breakfast a few days ago.  It consisted of tofu scramble, vegan sausage patties, and butter-free biscuits! vegan breakfast EVER.

Up close on the tofu scramble bit.  You can find a link to it here.


best dog ever.  Totally blog worthy.